The Hot Dog Principle

When people double-down on a position, even after a persuasive counter-argument has been made. They will even go so far as to contradict themselves or take on a more radical position. It’s a power move by those who believe agreeing is tantamount to admitting they were wrong.

Do not confuse this tactic with face-saving such as moving the goal post or pretending you misunderstood.

It’s a form of rejection used by people who do not like, or expect to have to explain their decisions.

I came up with this term when pitching investors on my last startup, Cola. We would explain how the app was designed to make group texts less chaotic. Then we’d demonstrate how the app effectively solved that problem. Even after they related to the problem, they would say it wasn’t one…at least for them.

It’s like telling someone what’s in a hot dog, and they tell you how much they love lips and assholes instead of admitting it’s junk food.

In my experience, it’s best to move on as soon as possible when you realize this is happening. In most cases, you’re dealing with a bad faith actor who will only dig their heels in deeper. And even if you do get your point across, they’ll some how find a way to make it look as if you are finally agreeing with them.