Brian Maggi

Brian Maggi

My Grandma

My grandma was born in 1906. So she was old school. She came from that era when having fun did kill you. Name any activity and my grandma could tell you a story of someone who was horribly maimed or…

Pineapple Expresses

Pineapple with Marvel tag

As I was putting away the rest of my groceries, I stopped and pondered that lone pineapple sitting on my counter. That’s when it occurred to me how little we appreciate or understand how much work, resources, and logistics went…

Asking for a friend

Besides corporations, what manmade objects have more rights and protections than regular citizens. If you were thinking guns, you’d be correct. Though, I would give you half credit if you said fetus.

Stop branding tragedies

There was yet another school shooting in the US. This time, in Uvalde, Texas. The frequency in which these happen in the US is horrific. But another trend that has emerged over the years is incredibly gross. The branding of…

You will, but did you?

I’m not afraid to admit that I’m technically competent. It actually bugs the shit out of me when people humblebrag about not knowing how to use technology. Or worse, when people think it’s only younger generations that can figure things…

Take a break

I think we need to put a hold on all innovation. Not forever, I’m just thinking maybe 2-3 years and give us all time to absorb everything that has come out over the past decade or so. I know they’ve…