Brian Maggi

Brian Maggi

The Hot Dog Principle

When people double-down on a position, even after a persuasive counter-argument has been made. They will even go so far as to contradict themselves or take on a more radical position. It’s a power move by those who believe agreeing…

TED Talking

Remember when TEDTalks were a thing? You know, back when they were given by people like scientists and and humanitarians? These days giving a TEDTalk has all the gravitas as calling yourself an associate. TEDTalks used to only take place…

Google Ad Words

I just received an email from Google promoting an event where they’re featuring a panel of industry visionaries and experts to talk about Ad Words. They’re all from well known brands. I get why Google does stuff like this. Big…


I just finished listening to the first episode of Eddie Alterman’s podcast Carshow. Eddie was the editor-in-chief at Car and Driver when they were a client of mine. Working with them was some of the most fun I’ve had in…